Lavender Eucalyptus

Lavender Eucalyptus


A soothing and calming blend of fresh eucalyptus leaves and fragrant lavender. This fragrance is the perfect choice for your at-home spa day, or just to freshen up the home for spring cleaning! Find your calm and zen with this one!  Hand-poured in our beautiful amber glass vessels with wooden wick.

Scent notes:  eucalyptus, lemon, lavender, clove, patchouli.

8 oz, wooden wick, approximately 55 hour burn time.

Please be sure to burn long enough for the wax to reach all edges of the vessel (especially on the first burn).
Always trim any excess burned char from the wooden wick before each new lighting.
Never leave a burning candle unattended! Burn on a flat and level surface, away from flammable materials, children, and pets. Burn until the wax is about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the vessel.
Enjoy your cozy candle experience!

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